Finding the right balance in sports betting can be very difficult. You have to be aggressive enough to make sure you are making the most of the opportunities that are available, but if you are too aggressive then you’ll find yourself in a big financial hole. Earlier we looked at signs that can tell you that you aren’t being aggressive enough. It makes sense, then, that we would now look at signs that you might be too aggressive in your sports betting:

Looking back at bets you have made and wonder why you made them – Aggressive bettors feel compelled to make bets because they have the need for action. Because of that need they can justify almost anything at the moment – even the most questionable reason can be enough to make a bet. Win or lose, successful bettors can almost always look back at a bet they made, remember why they made it, and usually feel good about having made it. If you too often look back at a bet you lost – or won – and can’t come up with a convincing reason why that bet made sense or why you would happily make the same bet again then you were probably too aggressive in making the bet. There’s another factor here, to – when you know why you made a bet then you can learn from it and see what mistakes you made that you can avoid in the future. If you don’t know why you are making bets, though, then you can’t learn and improve.
Finding yourself regularly reloading your accounts – Every sports bettor will have to add money to their account from time to time. Bettors who are too aggressive, though, will find that they are having to add money to their accounts too often because they are draining the cash out of their accounts more quickly than successful bettors ever would. If you are running out of cash on anything close to a regular basis then you are either working with a betting bankroll that is far too small for your bet size, or you are too aggressive in your sports wagering.
Feeling relief when you win a game – Successful bettors know that they are going to lose almost as many bets as they win over the course of time. As such, they know that any particular loss really doesn’t matter – as long as you are a good sports handicapper and you keep doing things in a disciplined way you are going to end up with good results and the wins will outnumber the losses. Losses don’t matter because they know they are likely to win over the long term. Aggressive bettors aren’t nearly as careful picking their spots, so they aren’t nearly as certain that the losses will be exceeded by the wins. If you find yourself feeling a real sense of relief when you win a bet, or a deep sense of frustration when you lose one, it’s a pretty good sign you are being to aggressive.
Betting on sports you don’t know well – Aggressive sports bettors crave action, and it can be very easy for them to be tempted to look wherever they can to get that action. their aggressiveness can lead them to bet on sports they know little about, or ones that they don’t follow closely or handicap closely. Betting on anything when you haven’t done the work required to succeed is a sure way over the long term to lose your money. Successful bettors concentrate on just a few sports because they are only interested in making bets where they have an edge. If your betting bounces around from sport to sport in a seemingly random pattern then you are probably being too aggressive.

Looking for the big score – Successful bettors know that you don’t get rich from winning one bet. In fact, they are quite content to just make a little bit of money on each bet they make because over the long run those little bits can add up to quite a lot. More aggressive bettors can’t content themselves with a modest but very solid ROI because it doesn’t fit with their mindset. Instead of winning a few more bets than they lose at or near even money aggressive bettors will be looking for big payoffs. That can lead them to bet on things like parlays, huge underdogs, and other low probability situations. If you really are relying on the returns from one bet to wipe out a bunch of losses then you are certainly too aggressive in your sports betting.